Take Advantage Of Valuation – Read These 6 Tips

teach  yourself you don’t have to pay for it  but if you do want to pay it’s cheaper  to try to do it through something like  Lynda calm or udemy or still cher or any  number of online learning sites to try  it first at a lower price point

than  paying hundreds of dollars for a college  course so just try and give that a shot  before you go to that traditional model  I’ll have some recommended books in the  description below that you can use to  try and  HTML coding and the principles of web  design as well so some other things you

  need to know if you’re going to be a web  designer in   aside from the tools that we talked  about learning things like WordPress as  far as content management systems you  might want to pick up things like jQuery  JavaScript and a little bit of PHP as  well having these under your belt will  help you as

a web designer because  you’ll have more flexibility able to do  more complicated tasks and you won’t be  restricted by the limitations of just  doing front-end work you’ll be able to  do some more complex than advanced  things as well I also think you should  look at learning some visual design  skills in terms of typography so that  you can lay out your websites in a way  where the text is readable and pays  attention to visual hierarchy I think  you should learn the gestalt principles

  of graphic design which I’ll cover in  other videos and I think you should  learn visual editing and photo  retouching since you can make banner ads  and make really impressive looking  websites that don’t rely on basic colors  shapes and text alone to be visually  interesting so you can draw people in  and have an effective website for your  customers your House Valuation Sydney employers on your clients  what-have-you it goes without saying  today you want to learn about SEO search  optimization get people to go to a  website and how to rank in Google I have  other videos you know covering that if  you have questions you can leave them in  the comment section below and I’ll try  and answer them but again

I’ll cover  that in other videos well I hope you  guys enjoyed this video on how you  become a web designer in  again I’ll  answer any questions you still have in  the comments section below like this  video if you like it don’t forget to  subscribe let me know what other videos  on web designs